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Implementing Ethernet-over-USB

This document describes various stuff regarding implementation of Ethernet-over-USB. Before commencing implementation we have conducted research (see for more information. To sum up, that's what we have decided:

  • we run on bare-metal using nrf-hal
  • we use EEM protocol for Ethernet emulation and smoltcp as TCP/IP stack

Used crates

We are using following crates

  • nrf-hal - provides things related directly to nRF52840 hardware, like register definitions, interrupt handling support, for some peripherals provides higher-level API (Timers, GPIO, ...)

  • nrf-usb - provides implementation of UsbBus trait (from usb-device crate)

  • usb-device - high level USB driver, on top of this we are building EMM driver

Encountered problems

During implementation of EEM driver we have encountered following problems

  • nrf-usb does not provide interrupt support, we have worked around this problem by continuously polling USB, for testing purposes it is good enough but ideally we should use interrupt-driven model.

  • nrf-usb underpowers DMA - during DMA transfers CPU busy-waits in a loop till transfer is complete (see here)

  • usb-device API limitation - we cannot read single packet into two non-contiguous memory regions, because of that we cannot use ring buffer, as a temporary workaround we implemented a simple linear buffer where data is appended to the tail, removing data from the front requires moving of large amounts of memory which is very suboptimal. The same problem affects writes.

  • smoltcp callback accepts a pointer to a continuous buffer, so we can't use ring buffer anyway

  • seems like nrf-hal provides no high level API for setting periodic timers with automatic counter reset (does the hardware support it?), counter must be manually reset on each interrupt handler invocation, or interrupt will keep firing instantly one after another.

  • integration of smoltcp may be quite hard to do efficiently - smoltcp uses producer consumer model, when reading data from Ethernet smoltcp calls consume() method providing a callback that is called when next Ethernet frame is ready, so we have to efficiently transfer Ethernet frame from USB thread to smoltcp thread, we want to avoid copying memory around as much as possible.

  • USB driver tends to hang if attempting to write packets into full buffer. When we send USB packets to the host we call usb_device::EndpointIn::write method which transfers packet to USBD internal memory, packet is actually sent when host polls the endpoint. If USBD memory is full usb_device::EndpointIn::write returns WouldBlock error. Now calling write() a few times more causes the driver to deadlock forever (TX only, RX still works). To workaround this we must track state TX buffer ourselves: when we get WouldBlock we freeze any further transfers until USBD signals us that previous packet was sent.

  • Device is enumerated as a full-speed device instead of high-speed, because of that we cannot use max packet size larger than 64 bytes.

Status of current implementation

We have a working implementation with an echo service exposed over UDP port 9400. Fobnail has IP address Host must have a manually assigned IP address as there is no DHCP. EEM implementation has few limitations which aren't a big problem for a PoC, but should eventually be solved.

  • EEM driver cannot handle EEM packets exceeding internal buffer size (driver will panic).
  • EEM driver will panic when encounters an invalid EEM packet.
  • because of problems described above we have to use a linear FIFO (instead of ring), maybe we could somehow optimize it?
  • driver needs more testing.
  • Linux's NetworkManager tries to configure EEM network interface over DHCP which fails. Then tries doing it again, showing every time an error message and breaking internet connection (about every half minute). This is a Network Managers's bug, but it affects Fobnail users. You can workaround this by appending following lines to /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf


If your environment is properly set up, app can be flashed by simply running

$ cargo embed

cargo embed spawns RTT console used for debugging. On host you should see new network interface.

$ ifconfig -a usb0
usb0: flags=4098<BROADCAST,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        ether 86:7e:55:2c:a7:b5  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

Assign IP address to usb0, Fobnail token is at

$ ifconfig usb0

Fobnail should start to print debug information on RTT console. Note that these errors are caused by host sending IPv6 packets. IPv6 support is disabled in smoltcp.

16:51:15.107 TRACE smoltcp::iface::neighbor > filled => ae-89-60-61-ca-4f (was empty)
16:51:15.133 DEBUG smoltcp::iface::ethernet > cannot process ingress packet: unrecognized packet
16:51:15.133 DEBUG smoltcp::iface::ethernet > packet dump follows:
16:51:15.133 EthernetII src=ae-89-60-61-ca-4f dst=33-33-00-00-00-16 type=IPv6
16:51:15.133 ERROR fobnail_poc > smoltcp error: unrecognized packet
16:51:15.224 DEBUG smoltcp::iface::ethernet > cannot process ingress packet: unrecognized packet
16:51:15.224 DEBUG smoltcp::iface::ethernet > packet dump follows:
16:51:15.224 EthernetII src=ae-89-60-61-ca-4f dst=33-33-00-00-00-16 type=IPv6
16:51:15.224 ERROR fobnail_poc > smoltcp error: unrecognized packet
16:51:15.691 DEBUG smoltcp::iface::ethernet > cannot process ingress packet: unrecognized packet
16:51:15.691 DEBUG smoltcp::iface::ethernet > packet dump follows:
16:51:15.691 EthernetII src=ae-89-60-61-ca-4f dst=33-33-ff-61-ca-4f type=IPv6
16:51:15.691 ERROR fobnail_poc > smoltcp error: unrecognized packet
16:51:16.669 DEBUG smoltcp::iface::ethernet > cannot process ingress packet: unrecognized packet
16:51:16.669 DEBUG smoltcp::iface::ethernet > packet dump follows:
16:51:16.669 EthernetII src=ae-89-60-61-ca-4f dst=33-33-00-00-00-16 type=IPv6
16:51:16.669 ERROR fobnail_poc > smoltcp error: unrecognized packet
16:51:16.697 DEBUG smoltcp::iface::ethernet > cannot process ingress packet: unrecognized packet
16:51:16.697 DEBUG smoltcp::iface::ethernet > packet dump follows:
16:51:16.697 EthernetII src=ae-89-60-61-ca-4f dst=33-33-00-00-00-02 type=IPv6
16:51:16.697 ERROR fobnail_poc > smoltcp error: unrecognized packet

Fobnail responds to ICMP echo requests:

$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=24.7 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=23.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=22.2 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=21.4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=30.3 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=29.4 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=28.2 ms

Fobnail has an echo service exposed on UDP port 9400, when you line of text it will be echoed back.

$ nc -u 9400