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Use case: Disk encryption


Disk drive (either physical one or its image) contains personal or corporate secrets. Access to that data must be restricted to limited set of users, even if the drive itself may temporarily be made available to other parties, e.g. in transit or left unattended in semi-public space like a hotel room.


  • Data theft - accessing secret information contained on disk
  • Installment of unauthorized data - files on disk are overwritten or new files are created


  • Key protection
    • Disk encryption key is off platform, it is on Fobnail Token
    • Remote attestation to Fobnail is need to obtain encryption key
  • Platform integrity
    • Fobnail cryptographically bound to TPM
    • (FUTURE FEATURE) Ability to bind one Fobnail Token to multiple platforms


This guide lists steps required to use Fobnail with LUKS2-formatted disk, but other modes of encryption are also possible. It doesn't cover all features of LUKS2, this is just an example of making it work with Fobnail. More advanced usages can be found in cryptsetup FAQ, and Fobnail doesn't limit any of those.


  • Provisioned Fobnail Token
  • At least one platform bound to that Token
    • (FUTURE FEATURE) May be more if same pair of disk/Token is to be used on multiple platforms
  • Safe environment during initial preparation of disk


  1. (Optional - when using an image instead of physical disk)

    $ dd if=/dev/zero of=disk.img bs=1M count=128
    128+0 records in
    128+0 records out
    134217728 bytes (134 MB, 128 MiB) copied, 0,0718627 s, 1,9 GB/s
    $ sudo losetup -f --show disk.img

    Last line is the name of newly created loop device. Use it in place of in following instructions.

  2. In secure environment (passed attestation) create a keyfile that will be used to decrypt master-key (see LUKS2-docs for details):

    $ dd bs=512 count=4 if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/keyfile.bin
    4+0 records in
    4+0 records out
    2048 bytes (2,0 kB, 2,0 KiB) copied, 0,00431696 s, 474 kB/s

    You may use /dev/random if you're paranoid, but it may take much longer. Add iflag=fullblock in that case, otherwise key could be truncated.

    Make sure the environment is kept secure (e.g. don't leave the platform unattended) until further notice.

  3. Initialize LUKS partition on the disk:

    $ sudo cryptsetup luksFormat --type luks2 /dev/<your_disk> keyfile.bin

    Despite format in its name, this command does not format the disk, but it still destroys the data on it. This will be reiterated by above command and you have to explicitly confirm it.

  4. Map the LUKS2 container and create a file system on it:

    $ sudo cryptsetup luksOpen -d /tmp/keyfile.bin /dev/<your_disk> c1
    $ sudo mke2fs -j /dev/mapper/c1

    c1 is the name of the mapping. It can be any other unused name. Another filesystems can also be used.

  5. (Optional) Mount the partition and copy data to it:

    $ sudo mount /dev/mapper/c1 /mnt
    $ sudo cp top_secret_file.pdf /mnt/
    $ sudo umount /mnt

    It may be beneficial to call sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /mnt while the partition is mounted so accessing files would be possible as non-root user.

  6. Close LUKS2 container:

    $ sudo cryptsetup close c1
  7. Move key to Fobnail Token:

    $ sudo fobnail-attester --write-file /tmp/keyfile.bin:luks_key && \
      dd if=/dev/urandom of=/tmp/keyfile.bin bs=$(stat -c %s /tmp/keyfile.bin) count=1 && \
      rm /tmp/keyfile.bin

    luks_key is name under which file is saved on Fobnail Token. It can be arbitrary, as long as it doesn't contain any of the forbidden characters listed here.

    DO NOT overwrite or remove keyfile.bin unless it was successfully written to the Token or you won't be able to access the disk.

  8. (Optional - when using an image instead of physical disk)

    $ sudo losetup -d /dev/<your_disk>
  9. At this point the keyfile should be present only in Fobnail Token. Platform no longer has to be maintained in secure state.

  10. When access to the drive is required, plug in Token and disk and run:

    (Optional - when using image file) Repeat sudo losetup -f --show disk.img. Note that the device number may be different than previously.

    $ sudo fobnail-attester --read-file luks_key:- | \
      sudo cryptsetup luksOpen -d - /dev/<your_disk> c1
    $ sudo mount /dev/mapper/c1

    The same name as in step 7 must be used for reading, luks_key in this case. - in place of output filename tells to read to stdout, which is passed through a pipe to cryptsetup. This way the key isn't saved to disk.

  11. Use drive as usual.

    Note that it will be accessible until the mapping is closed, regardless of Fobnail Token's presence or current platform state. Only guarantee is that at the time of requesting the keyfile attestation finished successfully.

  12. When done, unmount and close the disk:

    $ sudo umount /mnt
    $ sudo cryptsetup close c1
  13. (Optional - when using an image instead of physical disk)

    $ losetup -d /dev/<your_disk>